Be Silent.
Mar 23, 2025, 4:09:13 AM
Natsumi drew breath from her stomach and spoke with a deeper booming voice, a voice she herself didn't know that she had.
"Because I exist!" She called out to the Ophanim. "And He doesn't know how that happened! So, better to bury the problem than let it be. Am I right, or am I right?"
The Ophanim for once stayed silent. So she had hit the nail through the iris.
"I bet you King Dorko isn't all knowing," she continued. "Maybe he's not even all that powerful either!"
The ring wreathed eye shook. It's ire rising. "YOUR EXISTENCE IS CRIME." He announced. Well, no duh. Tell me something I don't know.
Natsumi gritted her teeth. She was tired of his one-note antagonism.
"BE SILENT." Besides Natsumi, the Ferrywoman spoke up, her voice booming across the Sea of Time and the aether above them. The two words were a blast of wind across the fields and forest. The Ferrywoman stepped forward and raised her right hand to press Natsumi behind her with a gentle nudge.
She turned up to the Ophanim and spoke this:
Thou speaketh as if we are not acquainted.
Scream "woman"; My authority re-litigated.
Yet, we did meet in congress for agreement
with the other Children, laws we did cement.
Doth thou recall these written contrivances?
The Children's articles we penned to try sense
over wager of war and indolence? And yet,
one Child, blessed be the fool whom thou hast e'er met,
Hath turned since, his hand doth pressed down
on their heads to force the knee and demand a crown.
Thy king. In our collective past, our shared memory
did he not raise his voice and raze our assembly?
To lament and bluster about his kingdom first
to tariff souls, punch down, and leave us worse.
To bring violence upon this, my misty shore.
A decree, thou says, from a son of those who're
outside their purview. Thou hast no sway in this timber.
I adjudicate the law here. My interpretation for her
is to unseal this child from the contract she doth signed
to rescue her from his cause, to restore her own mind.
May thy lord bluster and blubber, breathlessly bemoaning
the loss of this child, her soul not his for the owning.
Here his cajoling whispers disturbs not the underbrush
no more than a fawn's bottom breeze from the tush.
I'll say it plain: thy majesty's a frightened jester,
and I'll proclaim loud: his kingdom's an empty nester.
Creatures such as thou spilled from immaculate womb
are ringing bells on his crown, a fancy cockscomb.
What is thy answer, O' insolent pupil'ed thing?
March up this beach, then it's war you bring.
Can thou observe thy fate through so many globes,
do they pulse current into thy electrical lobes?
Cry "woman" no more. Thine voice has been heard.
Leave now, return to thy king, and herald my word:
'Tis my will over all things that gives this child stay.
I grant her immortality, power, and freedom from today.
Dispute me and break our solemn covenant.
In consequence, I shall impeach this government.
Once the stage has been cleared from ceiling to floor,
the experiment done, I shall close this doorless door.
For once the Ophanim remained silent.
A hiss formed around him, a static to fill the silence. The many eyes around his head glanced this way and that in rapid succession. He turned to face the Ferrywoman, but she turned her back to him, arms crossed. She had finished with him.
If he wished to do as she suggested, and march up the beach, Natsumi was certain now that she would strike him down and the other angels above. She had said her piece without using her piece to keep the peace. Natsumi turned to the big doofy eyeball thing. He seemed at a loss, the eyeballs wrapped around him fluttered and blinked glancing in all sorts of directions. Even without human appendages, Natsumi got the sense that the fight had left him entirely. But now what? He'd have to go back to King Dorkus, or whatever, and tell him that he beefed it big time, and that probably wasn't going to go well for him.
The Ophanim turned towards Natsumi and she glanced away and put her hands up to shield her view of him.
"Dang, son," Natsumi said. "You got burnt..." It was... a pretty sick burn, Natsumi figured, in a Shakespeare-in-the-park kind of way.
All of his eyes focused on her.
"And look..." she continued. "I know you're the messenger, but... can you stop looking my way? You're giving me second hand embarrassment."
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