Hidden and Lost
Nov 21, 2016, 6:14:08 PM
Hidden and Lost
Are Inktober prompts/days 6, "Hidden" and 7 "Lost."
Kamiko and Jade come across a lost little girl. Is there something weird about her?
How should I know??
Lolita Fashion Coloring Book Press Kit
One of the new things I added to the site recently was a press kit page for my Lolita Fashion Coloring Book for Adults book. I will have more information in a blog post about the Lolita Fashion coloring book coming soon!
Real quick: It's a coloring book I self-published on CreateSpace. You can find the link to the Lolita Fashion Coloring Book for Adults here.
The Rabbit and the Moon Graphic Novel
I'm working on putting together a physical book for The Rabbit and the Moon.
I made the The Lolita Fashion coloring book to help me learn how to assemble a book using Scribus and figure out the pitfalls as I pushed it through Createspace to get it self-published. I think I learned something and I want to prepare this second book.
Here's a work-in-progress of the pages being laid out using Scribus, an open source desktop publishing program.
This Mortal Coil Graphic Novel in Scribus | This Mortal Coil Webcomic
Here's the cover for the comic I'm editing in Inkscape:
The Rabbit and the Moon Cover | This Mortal Coil Webcomic
I decided to go with the splash image of Kamiko from the chapter "Kamiko and the Red Thread." I didn't really like the original cover I did for the comic, which also serves as the first frame. I want Kamiko on the cover and this was the best one, even though her hair style is outdated.
I'm trying to extend it across the spine and the back cover. The front cover is the original image I did at 600dpi resolution. The back will be entirely done using vector text/images. The titles on the front are in vector too. I hope it turns out good enough to print.
That's all for now. I'll try and get the blog post up this week about the Lolita Fashion coloring book.
Also, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Vote For Us!
Please vote for the comic on TopWebComics
If you like my work, you can follow me here:
All my links are on LinkTree.
Where to Read This Mortal Coil
This website will always be the best way to read This Mortal Coil, because I can present it the way I want too, BUT, the comic is serialized on these sites as well. If you prefer one of those portals, please follow me there!
Lolita Fashion Coloring Book
I'm also the creator of the Lolita Fashion Coloring Book, which you can purchase on Amazon!
And as always have a great weekend!