Take Him Home.

Dec 12, 2020, 4:00:09 PM

He's okay, but he probably misses his buddy the demon dog and playing fetch in the park together with him and Kamiko.

Well, that's all in a night's adventure.

This episode is also coming to a close. There's two more pages which will take us close to the end of the year.

I mentioned before I'd like to keep some kind of content going week to week, so you may see standalone sketches and illustrations of Kamiko.

I'd like some time to develop some new ideas before I begin a new serial on here.

In the worst case, I'd go on hiatus for a few weeks, but we'll see how it all plays out!

If you're enjoying Magical Girl Kamiko please consider voting for us at TopWebComics.

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In November we actually managed to rank at 240 out of all the available webcomics, which isn't bad.

Facebook Group

If you'd like to get more daily content of my artwork and additional behind-the-scenes material for This Mortal Coil, please consider following the Mortal Coil Facebook Group page. I know Facebook is evil. I rarely post on it as myself, but I do schedule webcomic update posts for This Mortal Coil. I'm not really sure anymore what my social media strategy should be since I haven't had much traction on any platform.

This week I posted a lot of my 3D work -- which you saw on here last week. This post I did on my character Catherine the Dominatrix got the most likes of everything I posted this week.

It's definitely very interesting that this post got a lot of likes. Maybe its the character? Maybe because its the effort used to make something like this? I'm not sure. I suppose I can test it out to see if she gets more likes by posting more content with her.

I've also had someone mention they'd be interested in seeing her story.

Or maybe it's a fluke, who knows with these things. One post doesn't make a trend after all.

So, I'll think about it next steps.

Clip Paint Studio

There was a new release this week for Clip Paint Studio that includes timelapse recording functionality. So, you may see more of that as I do 2D work in the future. I'm getting back into the grove with using CSP for comics and illustrations and finding ways to speed up my workflow.

I began to take advantage of the vector tools for doing inking and I'm re-learning the brush engine.

I've got an illustration I'd like to have done by Christmas as a seasons greetings card for you all.

Till next time...

Vote For Us!

Please vote for the comic on TopWebComics

If you like my work, you can follow me here:

All my links are on LinkTree.

Where to Read This Mortal Coil

This website will always be the best way to read This Mortal Coil, because I can present it the way I want too, BUT, the comic is serialized on these sites as well. If you prefer one of those portals, please follow me there!

Lolita Fashion Coloring Book

I'm also the creator of the Lolita Fashion Coloring Book, which you can purchase on Amazon!

And as always have a great weekend!


The Rabbit and the Moon

Can Kamiko save her friend? Or is she going to need a miracle? Chang'e, the Lady of the Moon, has been posioned by a demonic wolf seeking revenge for his imprisonment by her husband, Hou Yi, an archer from the west who once upon a time came to Japan seeking immortality. Enter Kamiko. An upstart, young deity, dressed to the nines and ready to do whatever it takes to win. But, she may have bitten off more than she could handle.