Learn how Blender's particle system was used to create butterflies that swarmed around Kamiko.
This Mortal Coil is a webcomic created by Glenn Song. It's the story of Takahashi Natsumi, who becomes a modern day goddess, and her…
It's Been A Year (Almost) A lot of things changed for me this year. A year ago I lived in Los Angeles but I've since moved. I started a new…
Hello There! I wanted to impart my thoughts on the last 7 months of making comics. So if you’re someone who’s thinking that making webtoons…
This Old Website Remember when this site used to be black and white? That version of the site ceased to be earlier this year when I ended…
Hey everyone, the month-long gamejam is over! If you want to play the game, click through to this blog post and read about the game and how…
In this devlog, I'm mainly going to go over the progress from this past Saturday, and I’ll touch on a bit of what I did last week too. There…
Hey, I hope this is the first devlog of many on this RPG Maker VX Ace project I've started up today. Recently, I joined a discord channel…
I shared a table with my friend at Krakencon this weekend, and I wanted to do a breakdown of the convention from a financial point of view…
Heyo! I recently updated The Shrine! I wanted to share a bunch of non-photorealistic rendering shader node setups I came up with while using…
Over the weekend of September 23-24th I flew up to San Jose to table at the Alternate Press Expo with my friend Yang, who is a fellow game…
You're ready to make your webcomic. You know how to do it, what it's about, but are you ready for your long creative journey? What do you…
This article discusses various animated GIF compression techniques I came across while creating and publishing my animations for the current …
Learn how Blender's particle system was used to create butterflies that swarmed around Kamiko.
Hey guys, so instead of the typical script, storyboard, and pencils that I've shown for previous pages, I'm going to talk about the…
I'm going to show you how to make the sakura blossom/petal brush I used for my image "Sakura Storm." Before we begin: This is the first…
If you're curious to get an idea of what it's like to embark on a long project, then you might be interested in this postmortem of This…