The Ferrywoman, Page 3

Mar 7, 2015, 2:00:12 PM

How It's Made: The Ferrywoman - 3

Here's the next installment of How It's Made for the chapter "The Ferrywoman" page 3. Below are the pencils for this page.

The Ferrywoman - 3 Storyboards

The Ferrywoman - 3 Storyboards

Pencil Reference

Parasol Hand Reference

Parasol Hand Reference

I suck at drawing hands, but I think that's a common lament. The iPhone is an indispensable tool for something like that. Since the 4th gen of the iPhone, I've really liked the camera and use it for a lot of point-and-shoot casual photography outside and when I need reference I'll snap a selfie of an expression or use the front-facing camera to capture a hand pose or gesture. In this case, I couldn't really figure out how to show Kamiko's hand relaxed on the parasol handle. I have two of those 500 yen umbrellas from Japan -- it's not quite a parasol -- but it has the round hook handle. So I just did a quick snap of it, send it via email to myself, and dropped it into a Manga Studio sub-window as reference.

s10-3 Perspective Frame 1

s10-3 Perspective Frame 1

This is one of the few frames of the comic, at least in recent memory, where I've used the perspective grid to help me illustrate. You can go the Layer menu and pick "Ruler - Frame" and then create a new perspective grid that way, but I almost never do that. What I tend to do is to draw a box around something in the storyboard and then use those as guide lines for the perspective I want. To get the grid itself, I to the toolbar and select the "Figure" subtool. From there look for Perspective Ruler and you'll have the much more powerful option of drawing sets of converging lines to define the perspective you want. This is a 3-point perspective shot from above.

In the storyboard below you'll see that I drew an elongated cube to encapsulate Hana (I don't need to point out who she is right, you read the comic, right? :D). I used that box and the perspective ruler tool to form the grid and then I placed the other figures around her. Even though Jade should be the focal point, he's small.

I've done some other test artwork using my box trick. Here's an example of it:

Perspective Ruler

Perspective Ruler


The Ferrywoman - 3 Storyboards

The Ferrywoman - 3 Storyboards



Frame. Jade speaks and Natsumi and Hana are both astonished that Bunbun can talk. He has his paws marked in an 'X' as he speaks. He looks angry yet adorable.

JADE Absolutely not! Think of it. He is the moon itself zippered into this tainted, filthy meat, and you intend to kill him? What'll happen to the moon? My Mistress?

Frame. Close up of Kamiko glancing down at the rabbit as he speaks to her.


(O.S.) Your friend?

Natsumi is in shock when she hears what Tachibana says and Bunbun speak.


(aside) You can talk...


And my wife.


(aside) Wife??


Yes... (Jade looks up at Tachibana and he seems him) Master Houyi! Is that you!


he bends down and meets Jade nose to nose) It's been a long time, little Bunbun.


For Frith's sake, did the girl tell you that?? I serve in the Oswala to El'ahariah himself, I won't be insulted like this!


Down, Jade, down. I'm just having a spot of fun. Besides, some soldier you are running blindly to and fro from a wolf.

Artwork w/o Text

Rabbitmoon s10-3 no text art

Rabbitmoon s10-3 no text art


That's it for this time, till next week!

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Where to Read This Mortal Coil

This website will always be the best way to read This Mortal Coil, because I can present it the way I want too, BUT, the comic is serialized on these sites as well. If you prefer one of those portals, please follow me there!

Lolita Fashion Coloring Book

I'm also the creator of the Lolita Fashion Coloring Book, which you can purchase on Amazon!

And as always have a great weekend!


The Rabbit and the Moon

Can Kamiko save her friend? Or is she going to need a miracle? Chang'e, the Lady of the Moon, has been posioned by a demonic wolf seeking revenge for his imprisonment by her husband, Hou Yi, an archer from the west who once upon a time came to Japan seeking immortality. Enter Kamiko. An upstart, young deity, dressed to the nines and ready to do whatever it takes to win. But, she may have bitten off more than she could handle.